Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Education as Transformation – A Vibrant Future


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From June 18 – 20, 2015 the SND U.S. National Education Office, under the direction of Sister Mary Frances Taymans, gathered teachers, staff, and administrators from SND educational ministries to an inaugural Summit gathering.  Notre Dame educators, both lay and religious, traveled from Ohio, Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, California as well as representatives from other SND English-speaking schools in India, Tanzania, and Uganda to attend the gathering held at the University of Dayton, Ohio.  Sisters Mary Shauna and Sister Mary Sreeja attended from the General Government.

The purpose of the gathering was to:

  • explore an educational vision forward enriched by SND educational principles and heritage
  • celebrate our Marian tradition and encounters with God’s goodness and provident care through shared story and prayer
  • exchange and take home new insights and best practices to lead, educate, resource and sustain a Vibrant Future.

Sister Constance Marie Suchala, SND was the recipient of the 2015 Notre Dame National Education Leadership Award, As a Sister of Notre Dame (SND) teacher, school principal and provincial leader she has helped transform hundreds of lives, hearts and souls over the course of nearly four decades. Sr. Constance answered the call of every educator – to cultivate, initiate, provide, promote, form, nurture, and revere the lives of children as they work their way through lessons and textbooks, homework and teamwork, disappointments and joys. Soon Sister Constance will be moving to Corpus Christi, Texas to listen and observe the needs and then enter into a new ministerial work among the people of God.

For more information on the gathering and to access the talks and resources from the gathering go to the SND National Education Website at

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